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Messages - Ruud van Reenen

This is a known limitation: skin items and actions are not supported yet in VR Tourviewer.
Support for certain skin elements is under development, but there's no release date available yet.

If you need specific features, you could consider ordering a customized/white label version of VR Tourviewer with your own app name and branding: https://www.vrtourviewer.com/order-white-label/

Extra features like this can then be implemented to tailor the app to suit your needs.
The next update of VR Tourviewer will include an optimization of the video player, to support videos with a higher resolution and higher bitrate. 8K video should then be possible, and your 5.7K video will also play smoother then.

If you want I can give you access to the Beta version of VR Tourviewer, just send me the email address of your Oculus account (in an email to info@vrtourviewer.com) so I can add you to the Beta channel of the app. The Beta version with this fix will be available in about 2 weeks.
VR Tourviewer has been approved on Oculus App Lab !

You can find it here: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/3829092873819323/

No more side loading needed: simple installation, a normal Oculus Library appearance and easy updates.
Works with Quest 1 and 2, uses the high resolution capabilities on the Quest 2.

I recommend using the latest version of VR Tourviewer: 1.3.415, especially when using the Quest 2.

The Quest 2 wasn't available yet when 1.2.304 was created, so it hasn't been tested or optimized for it.
Note that for scale perception it even makes a difference whether you're standing or sitting when watching a panorama.
If you're sitting but the image is taken from a standing position, you might still feel like the room is smaller.
What you could try with the Quest 2 is using another IPD setting (distance between your pupils).
You can move the lenses of the Quest 2 to change the IPD setting.
When moving the lenses to the outside for a larger IPD the resulting FOV will be the largest.
The scale is correct, VR Tourviewer uses the physical FOV of the Quest 2. This is fixed and can't be changed in VR, changing it would cause instant nausea. This is because when turning your head 90 degrees in real life, the image has to rotate exactly 90 degrees too. If there's a difference between the physical rotation and the image rotation, nausea is easily triggered.

You can make a comparison with an equirectangular image from your tour by copying it to the Pictures folder on your Quest. Then in the bottom toolbar select Apps, then choose TV (top right) and select 'Your Media' to open your image.
You can then change the projection to 360.
I've tested this and the result is the same as in VR Tourviewer.

The perceived scale is influenced a lot by the camera height when the picture is taken. For example: if the camera is lower than your physical eye height, the world looks bigger. If the camera is higher, you feel like a giant. This is especially noticeable in interior images due to the closeness of the walls.

Announcements / VR Tourviewer updates available!
January 02, 2021, 08:57:03


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and best wishes for 2021!

In December VR Tourviewer and VR Tourviewer Remote have been updated. Below you'll find an overview of the available versions. Thanks a lot to everyone who has provided feedback, much appreciated!

New versions:
VR Tourviewer:
Oculus Go version 1.3.415: update available in Oculus Library
Oculus Quest 1 and Quest 2 version 1.3.415: https://www.vrtourviewer.com/download-vr-tourviewer-for-quest/
Pico version 1.3.416: https://www.vrtourviewer.com/docs/install-vr-tourviewer-on-pico/
Android Cardboard version 1.3.415: Google Play
iOS Cardboard version: Planned for release in January

VR Tourviewer Remote:
Windows version 1.3.416 : Download
Mac version 1.3.416: Download
Android version 1.3.416 : Google Play
iOS version: Planned for release in January

Some of the new features:
- support for Pico VR headsets (G2 4K and Neo 2)
- ability to show an URL hotspot webpage
- ability to play 2D and 3D VR180 videos in a tour
- improved video player, fixing playback issues and better performance
- use short keywords instead of typing, using vrurl.net

For the changelog check here: https://www.vrtourviewer.com/docs/changelog/

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please post them in the Support section of the forum.

Greetings, Ruud
Thanks, I've replied to your email and you should have received an invitation to join the Beta channel from Oculus.
If you haven't seen it yet, please check your spam folder as well.
Hi Grayson,

The current version of VR Tourviewer contains a videoplayer that has some issues like you've described.
We've replaced the videoplayer with a better one in the current Beta version.

If you'd like to try the Beta version, can you send me the email address of your Oculus account (to info@vrtourviewer.com)? Then I can give you access to this Beta version through the Oculus Beta Release Channel.

Note that videos with a resolution of 5760x2880 are at the edge of what the Oculus Go is capable of, and while videos with that size might play well in the Oculus gallery, VR Tourviewer adds some overhead which might prevent these videos from playing or could show some artefacts. But the issues you're reporting should definitely not be happening with files with a resolution of 4096x2048.
The next update of VR Tourviewer will support video with transparency: either by using webm or with the use of a 'side-by-side' or 'top-bottom' alpha channel in the video. With this one half of the video will contain the normal video, the other half contains the transparency/alpha image.

A Remote 'control' option is planned, no release date set yet.
Great! Thanks for reporting this issue, it will be fixed in the next update.
Thanks for reporting this issue, I'll look into it.

As a workaround you could set the audio as 'Background sound' in the Input Properties of your first panorama, with loop = 0 (endless looping). If all backgrond sounds in your other panoramas are empty, it should keep playing the sound from the first panorama.

This issue has been fixed in version 1.2.304 - now available for Oculus Go, Gear VR, Quest, Rift and Google Cardboard.
For VR Tourviewer version 1.2.303 a bug has been reported with the VR keyboard that appears when adding an online tour. The Shift and Caps-Lock button don't display the 'Shift' characters on the keyboard.

The correct characters do appear in the text field when a key is pressed, but currently you can't see which Shift characters are in which place. So if you first press Shift and then press 'a' an 'A' will appear in the text field.

To find the correct key you can use the image below for the layout of the keyboard when Shift is pressed.

Edit 2020-01-20: This issue is fixed in version 1.2.304