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Support / General Discussion / pano2vr link to html file
Last post by jeff3d - May 24, 2024, 14:20:44

I'm trying to link between two different projects on a web server. I'm using verison 1.3.480 of VR Tourviewer and testing on a Quest 2.
I used this Guide to export the projects: https://www.vrtourviewer.com/docs/how-to-export-a-tour-with-pano2vr-for-vr-tourviewer/

as well as this guide for linking between projects: https://www.vrtourviewer.com/docs/link-to-tour/

The problem I'm running into is that it only works when the "Link Target URL" in pano2vr is set to the URL of the pano.xml file. From what I understand linking to the index.html file should also work so long as the pano.xml file exists in the same directory, it should be found. Am I misunderstanding how this works?
Support / General Discussion / Re: How many hotspots in menu?
Last post by szilard - April 04, 2024, 18:26:07
In the tour gallery, 9 tours can be displayed per 'page'.
In the in-tour menu, 6 panorama hotspots can be displayed per page
Support / General Discussion / How many hotspots in menu?
Last post by szilard - April 04, 2024, 13:04:41

I don't have my goggles with me, but I need to know how many hotspots can be on one page of the menu? I want to make a tour without having to go to next page of the menu.

Thanks in advance!
Support / General Discussion / Home Screen look with licensed...
Last post by kuddelmuddel - December 22, 2023, 20:58:43

can someone please share a screenshot of the licensed main screen when the app is starting with checked "start gallery: featured" and "invisible settings button" and "show favourites only". Would be great, thanks.

Kind regards,
Support / General Discussion / How to hide the "gaze navigati...
Last post by kuddelmuddel - December 22, 2023, 20:53:15

how can I hide the target point in "gaze mode"?
The constantly wobbling point in the middle of your field of view takes away a lot of immersion and disturbs the overall picture.
It is unnecessary for navigation, as the "loading circle" is completely sufficient as feedback.

Kind regards
Support / General Discussion / Re: Caching to eliminate the l...
Last post by kuddelmuddel - December 22, 2023, 20:43:37
Hi Ruud,

for me, a black transition seems the best solution.
However, in Pano2VR the black transition has a "fade to black", it makes the transition more smooth and like a blink of an eye and less hard cut.
Is it possible to let it 1 second fade to black and back?

And also the loading circles are not that immersive and necessary for the short transition time.
It looks more natural without them, like in Pano2VR. Is it possible to disable / hide them?

For an impression, immerGallery is doing both as well and it feels and looks very discreet.

Kind regards,

By the way:  When i signed up or posted this, there was written: "Which year is mentioned at the bottom of this page?" On the left bottom is written 2023, but wrong answer. Still 2022? Or am I missing something?...
Great to hear it's solved!
Instead of "ht_hidden" I left it empty, now it works. I tried this before, but the skin was faulty then. Now that the skin is good, this is how to make this work.

In the small project I did this and didn't remember, that's why I didn't find this sooner.
If you can email me the small and large project file (just the p2vr file, not the entire project) I'll see if I can find the issue.