On this page you'll find an overview of the required and optional graphics files for a white label order.
Please make sure to use PNG format for all files, with the specified image dimensions and file names.
For the VR app:
- Splash screen, 2048x2048, PNG (optional transparency), filename: Custom-Splash.png
- Icon, 512×512, PNG (optional transparency), filename: Custom-Launch-Icon.png
Optional: custom background panorama for the menu/gallery area:
For a monoscopic background (recommended for menu/gallery area):
- Panorama, equirectangular, 8192x4096 or 6144x3072, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Menu-Pano.png
- Separate logo image to be placed above the tour preview images (in the location of the VR TOURVIEWER title in the standard app), 2048x1024, PNG with transparancy, filename: Custom-Menu-Logo.png
For a stereoscopic background (this can cause depth perception conflicts if the background items appear closer than the tour preview images):
- Left eye panorama, equirectangular, 8192x4096 or 6144x3072, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Menu-Pano-L.png
- Right eye panorama, equirectangular, 8192x4096 or 6144x3072, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Menu-Pano-R.png
Note that the template images for the background panorama are only to show where the tour preview items will be placed on your background.
You don't include the tour preview images/text in the background image itself.
- Logo, Min: 360x1440, Max: 9000x1440, PNG (transparency required), filename: Custom-Store-Logo.png
- Icon, 512x512, PNG (optional transparency), filename: Custom-Store-Icon.png
- Cover art, landscape: 2560x1440, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Store-Cover-Landscape.png
- Cover art, square: 1440x1440, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Store-Cover-Square.png
- Cover art, portrait: 1008x1440, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Store-Cover-Portrait.png
- VR Landscape: 1080x360, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Store-VR-Landscape.png
- Hero Art: 3000x900, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Store-Hero-Art.png
- Screenshot, 2560x1440, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Store-Screenshot-01.png
- Extra screenshots (4), 2560x1440 (no transparency), PNG, filename: Custom-Store-Screenshot-02.png etc.
For the Remote:
- Desktop/launch icon: 256x256, PNG (optional transparency), filename: Custom-Remote-Icon.png
- Start-up dialog image: 432x163, PNG (no transparency), filename: Custom-Remote-Dialog.png
- Splash screen, 2048x2048, PNG (optional transparency), the splash screen of the VR app will be used
Examples can be downloaded here:
Guidelines for the creation of Oculus App Library images can be found here:
When ordering a white label version, these files can be sent using WeTransfer (https://www.wetransfer.com) to: info@vrtourviewer.com