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Install VR Tourviewer Remote on MacOS

VR Tourviewer Remote connects to  VR Tourviewer on your VR device via WiFi and shows in real time and high resolution what the VR user is seeing.

When opening the VR Tourviewer Remote viewer on MacOS you could get the following message:
"Cannot Be Opened Because the Developer Cannot be Verified'.
This is because currently the MacOS app is not available on the Apple Store yet.

This can be fixed in the following way:

  • Download VR Tourviewer Remote for MacOS here
  • Copy the downloaded app to your Applications folder
  • Open a Terminal window
  • Make sure in the Terminal window that you're in the folder that contains the .app file, so if it's in the Applications folder, use cd /Applications in the Terminal window to go to the correct folder.
  • In the Terminal window, type: sudo chmod -R 755 "VR Tourviewer"
    This will allow the file to be opened. It will ask for your password to confirm the change.
  • Open Finder.
  • Locate the VR Tourviewer Remote app in the Applications folder
  • Control+Click the app.
  • Select Open.
  • Click Open.
  • The app should now be saved as an exception in your security settings, allowing you to open it in the future.

For information on how to use the Remote, click here.


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