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Link to other tours
You can add a link to another tour by adding an URL hotspot in Pano2VR with the address to the tour, optionally followed by the #nodeid of the panorama you want to start with.
For VR Tourviewer to recognize the hotspot as a tour hotspot (instead of a normal URL, which is not supported) you have to add '_tour' to the hotspot ID (not the Skin-ID).
Url examples:
You don’t have to use the ‘#nodeid’ if you simply want to start the new tour with the first panorama. If you want to start the tour with a specific panorama, you have to specify the nodeid of the panorama that you want to start with. In Pano2VR Settings > Advanced, you can enable ‘show internal node id’. If you then hover over a panorama in the Tour Browser, it will show you the node id of that panorama.
Link to tour on storage
If you want to link to other tours on the device storage, use a link starting with storage:// followed by the path to the tour. This will load the tour from the 'VRTourviewer' storage folder. Note that the path is case sensitive. You don't include the VRTourviewer folder itself in the path.
Note: if you're checking your tour on a browser, and use a #nodeid for an online tour, make sure to enable 'Direct link access' in the HTML output template settings in Pano2VR before exporting. Links to storage:// tours can't be shown in a browser!
Note 2: VR Tourviewer will try to find the name to the tour XML file name in the specified HTML page. It will use the first XML file it finds. Instead of using the html file url, you can also use the url to the Pano2VR output xml file directly.